Who We Are?
Our Mission
We are an evangelistic movement of young people with a vision for UNITY and HOPE for our community. We teach biblical principles to raise up strong Christ centered young people to break down walls visible in our community.
Our mission is to work with Junior High and High School age students from all backgrounds to bring them to Faith in Jesus; unity for all young people, hope for our youth, and healing in the name of Christ. A place for young people to experience God in a tangible way through outreach, activities, worship, and prayer walks.
We believe in Jesus Christ that when he died on the cross for our sins he also gave us a new life. That we have a new identity in Christ when we put our faith in him. We value having a relationship with God proclaiming life over these teens, showing them what it means to be an active Christian.
A Call to our Community
An Evangelist Movement of young people with a vision for unity and hope for our community. We teach biblical principles to raise up strong Christ Centered young people to break down walls visible in our community.
Christ is the answer to all the problems in our World. We are called to be yielded vessel that walk where Christ sends us. As he sends he equips those he calls for the work of service.
In our foundation as leader we are founded on the princple that perfect love casts out all fear. So we have nothing to fear when Love himself is leading us.
Our Mandate
- FAITH - In Our Risen King - Christ Jesus
- HEALING - Our city is hurting and needing a touch from the healing hand of Christ. We are the vessel that Christ is wanting to use his people to heal the nations and our city.
- UNITY - Christ has called his body to be of one accord. We are called to step out of the walls of the church to do the work of service.
- HOPE- Christ is the Hope of the Nations and the answer to everything. If we yield to Christ Jesus and that holy place we will see the restoration of not just the people of God but the City.